More than 67% of the US population visits the dental office at least once each year, meaning millions of Americans are exposed to potential healthcare acquired infections. According to a report by Dr H. Cody Meissner at Tufts University. Manual spray disinfection methods run the risk of human error infection which may lead to increased risk of transmission of infectious agents. Now more than ever it is important that dental practices of any size have control over infectious diseases.
Studies have confirmed that UVC light is an effective safety layer to manual cleaning efforts and can kill harmful pathogens quickly and efficiently. Exposure to UVC light for a specific length of time and intensity kills %99.99 of dangerous microorganisms. The American Journal of Infection Control notes that combining UVC technology with manual cleaning is one of the most effective ways to significantly decrease the pool of harmful pathogens that cause infection.
With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that Coronavirus can remain infective for up to 16 hours in respirable-sized aerosols, all healthcare facilities need to consider disinfection of not just surfaces, but the air in their facility as well. The Mobile UVC Sterilization Lamp: SIFUVC-1.0 addresses both surface and airborne bioburdens and helps keep patients and workers safe in dental offices and other health office settings.
Deploying a UVC disinfection system can be a critical differentiator to current and potential new patients for your practice. The Mobile UVC Sterilization Lamp SIFUVC-1.0 adds to your team’s manual cleaning efforts and lessens the risk of human error in infection prevention. Incorporate your practice’s infection prevention efforts throughout your office and in all patient communications or promotions.
Promoting your office’s use of UVC disinfection reassures patients’ confidence in your practice and can even convince others to consider moving to your dental office because of the added level of protection that The Mobile UVC Sterilization Lamp SIFUVC-1.0 can deliver.