Delivery Robots have slowly been seeping into the market over the past few years and the recent health crisis has only increased the awareness of their utility, especially in the catering and hospitality sectors.
There has been a particular uptake of delivery robots in restaurants where they are being deployed to deliver food and drinks, return plates and glasses to the bar, and of course enhance the customer experience. All of this is very useful as restaurant owners tackle the problem of social distancing when premises open once more to the public.
Among the delivery robots that we recommend for restaurant application is the Autonomous Service Delivery Robot: SIFROBOT-6.23 . This delivery robot has excellent navigational skills, meaning it is able to navigate a set path in a restaurant, take food orders and advertise menus. All of this has been made possible of course through the advancement and improvements in Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) technology.
We will all be hoping to get back to some sense of normality soon where we can go out and enjoy a meal with family and friends. Restaurant owners and businesses within the catering and hospitality sector will need to think outside of the box to ensure customers and staff both feel safe whilst being able to offer and provide the absolute best service they can.