Pharyngitis Ultrasound Diagnosis

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx (the back of the throat). It’s most commonly referred to as “sore throat.” Pharyngitis can also cause throat scratchiness and trouble swallowing. One of the most prevalent causes for medical visits, according to the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), is pharyngitis-induced sore throat. The

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Laser Therapy For Plantar Fasciitis

One of the most prevalent causes of heel pain is plantar fasciitis It is characterized by inflammation of a broad band of tissue that runs across the bottom of each foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes (plantar fascia). Plantar fasciitis frequently creates searing discomfort with your initial steps

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Onychomycosis Treatment with Diode Laser

Onychomycosis Treatment with Diode Laser

Laser onychomycosis treatment is an innovative approach for patient-friendly, rapid, and operative treatment of onychomycosis by diode laser. The laser lightly heats the affected nail and deeper skin tissue, effectively devitalizing and killing the parasite that has infected the patient’s nail. The advantage of  Laser onychomycosis treatment is the complete sterilization

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The Use of Ultrasound Scanners in Medical Routine in Operating Room

The Use of Ultrasound Scanners in Medical Routine in Operating Room

The use of ultrasound scanners in diagnosis has risen tremendously, with a range of technologies and systems allowing non-invasive inspection of the body without the use of ionising radiation. The growth of bedside ultrasound by non-radiologists has been sparked by the emergence of affordable, very portable ultrasound devices that enable

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The Use of Ultrasound Scanner in Guiding Fat Gray Intramuscular

The Use of Ultrasound Scanner in Guiding Fat Gray Intramuscular

Intramuscular fat accumulates inside (intramyocellular) as well as outside (extramyocellular) muscle fibers. In healthy muscle, there is about 1.5 percent intramyocellular fat, which can increase to more than 5% in obese persons. Indded, Intermuscular fat is the largest definition of fatty infiltration in muscle, referring to lipid storage in adipocytes

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M-Mode Ultrasound Imaging for Identifying a Pneumothorax

M-Mode Ultrasound Imaging for Identifying a Pneumothorax

A pneumothorax is the collapse of a lung. A pneumothorax occurs when air enters the space between the lung and the chest wall. This air presses on the lung’s outer surface, forcing it to collapse. It might be a complete or partial collapse of the lungs. A penetrating or severe

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Ultrasonography and Paget’s Disease of the Nipple

Ultrasonography and Paget’s Disease of the Nipple

Paget’s disease of the nipple, also known as Paget’s disease of the breast, is an uncommon condition linked to breast cancer. It causes eczema-like changes to the nipple skin and the area of darker skin surrounding the nipple (areola). Breast cancer in the tissue behind the nipple is usually a

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Vein Finder Assisting in Blood Collection For Lab Study

Vein Finder Assisting in Blood Collection For Lab Study

Blood collection for lab studies involves an invasive cannulation approach, which necessitates proper vein selection. Cannulation, on the other hand, presents a difficulty to medical practitioners, particularly cannulation in patients with low-complexity illnesses. Indeed, the use of a vein finder would aid the phlebotomist or Emergency Medical Technician in quickly

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Disinfection Robots at Schools

Disinfection Robots at Schools

Disinfection Robots at educational facilities are crucial nowdays for Children’s safety. Precautions must be made to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 or other viruses in educational environments; nevertheless, care must be taken not to stigmatize children and employees who may have been exposed to the virus. It’s crucial to remember

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